Colorado School of Mines Utility Infrastructure Upgrades
Location: Golden, CO
Construction Cost: $6.2 M
Completed: 2021
Contact: Mike Bowker, Director Office of Design and Construction
The purpose of this project was to extend existing tunnel systems and provides steam, condensate, and chilled water utilities to serve existing and future loads on the newly developed West and South Campus. Placement of new infrastructure required relocation of existing campus fiber infrastructure along with orchestrating campus and city of Golden utilities for long term maintainability. ST+B’s Team provided the following scope of services:
• Construct 350LF of shallow tunnel with concrete vault for building takeoffs. Master Planned an additional 760LF of tunnels to complete long term campus needs.
• Removed and replaced tunnel lids for pipe removal and replacement steam
• Overall campus steam systems engineering analysis.
• Replacement of 1500LF of existing steam piping to reduce current and future velocities campus wide
• Extend high pressure steam piping in new tunnel extension along 18th St.
Chilled Water
• Overall campus chilled water systems engineering analysis.
• Add Chiller #3 and cooling tower to CP6 – 650 tons
• Extend chilled water supply and return piping in new tunnel extension along 18th St.
Site Work
• Various Storm, Sanitary, Water Utility coordination